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Technická informácia Troubleshooting & Repairing Switch Mode Power Supplies

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Part I
Introduction to SMPS
1. Introduction to Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)...........9
2. Identifying Electronic Components in Different Types of SMPS
with the Help of Photos................................................14
3. Block Diagram of a Typical SMPS and How It Works.........18
4. Easy Way To Understand The 11 Circuit Functions of SMPS
With The Help Of Schematic Diagrams...........................24
4.1- Input Protection and EMI Filtering Circuit....................26
4.2- Bridge Circuit......................................................27
4.3- Start Up and Run DC Circuit...................................29
4.4- Oscillator Circuit..................................................31
4.5- Secondary Output Voltage Circuit..............................34
4.6- Sampling Circuit...................................................36
4.7- Error Detection Circuit..........................................38
4.8- Feedback Circuit...................................................39
4.9- Protection Circuit .................................................40
4.10- Standby Circuit ....................................................50
4.11- Power Factor Correction (PFC) Circuit.....................56
5. Electronic Components Found In SMPS and Possible
6. How To Find The Right Equivalent Components In SMPS
Part II
Secrets of SMPS Troubleshooting Techniques
7. Recommended Tools and Test Equipment For Successful
SMPS Repair.............................................................95
8.1-Isolation Transformer............................................96
8.2-Variable Transformer............................................98
8.3-AC Ammeter.......................................................100
8.4-Analog and Digital Multimeter.................................102
8.5-Digital Capacitance Meter......................................104
8.6-Blue ESR Meter...................................................105
8.7-Blue Ring Tester..................................................106
8. Safety Guidelines......................................................109
9. Understand The Six Common Problems Found In SMPS....115
9.1-No Power...........................................................115
9.2-Low Output Voltage.............................................117
9.3-High Output Voltage.............................................118
9.4-Power Cycling/Pulsating/Blinking............................118
9.5-Power Shutdown..................................................121
9.6-Intermittent Power Problem....................................121
10. How to Easily Discharge The Main Capacitor In
11. How to Easily Perform Voltage Testing On SMPS Circuit...127
12. How to Use Oscilloscope to Test SMPS Circuit Waveforms.140
13. Find Out How Useful Is The Series Light Bulb Trick In SMPS
13.1-Light Bulb Off...................................................156
13.2-Light Bulb Very Bright........................................157
13.2-Light Bulb Pulsating/Blinking (Slow or Fast)..............158
14. The Five Methods That I Use To Troubleshoot And Repair
14.1-Using the Blue Ring Tester Method.........................161
14.2-Flickering Method..............................................165
14.3-Resistance Test Method.......................................168
14.4-Isolation Method................................................170
14.5-Secondary Diode Removal Method...........................177
15. Simple Way For Beginners To Troubleshoot And Repair Any
Type Of SMPS By Following My Favourite Method...........179
16. What Should You Do If Too Many Components Burnt In The
17. How To Know If The Substitution Part Number Will Last Or
Part III
True Case Histories
18. 11 True Case Histories of SMPS Repair That You Should Not
Troubleshooting and Repairing ATX Power Supply
19. Troubleshooting And Repairing ATX Power Supply .........227
20. ATX Power Supply Repair True Case Histories...............245
Part V
21. Understanding Power Supply Glossary Terms.................262
22. Recommended Electronic Repair E-Books......................267
23. Recommended Resources.............................................269
24. Conclusion.............................................................271
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